The Noble Eight
fold Path
(The Fourth Noble
Truth : Magga : The Path)
7. Right Mindfulness
Buddha said ‘ O
monks, I know of no other single thing that brings such great loss a heedlessness. I know of no other single
thing that brings such great profits as heedfulness.
Heedfulness , verily, brings great
Meditation is
fulfilled by the conjunction of the three factors of the Path v; Right Effort,
Right Mindfulness & Right Concentration. Mindfulness , plays an important
role in the acquisition of both calm and insight. Now this right Mindfulness should be applied to
each and everything one does. In all our movements, one is expected to be
mindful, whether we walk, stand, or sit, whether we speak, keep silent, eat
drink or answer the call of nature – in all these and in all other activities,
we should be mindful and wide awake.
Right Mindfulness
is a mental factor, that sharpens the power of observation and assist right
thinking and understanding. The five senses used by the conscious mind as
instruments, provide food for thought. The suitability or not of the food we
take , depends on our mindfulness.
Unwholesome thoughts
interfere with concentration and the function of Right Effort , is to put aside
such thoughts and promote and maintain healthy ones: but this is not possible ,
if we lack Mindfulness or constant watchfulness. Right Effort & Right
Mindfulness go arm in arm , to check the arising of Evil thoughts and to
develop & promote good thoughts.
mindfulness is cultivated through a practice called "the four foundations
of mindfulness" , the mindful contemplation of four objective spheres: the
body, feelings, states of mind, and mind objects.
contemplation of the body makes us realize its true nature, without any
pretence, by analyzing it right down to its ultimates, into its fundamental
elements. This mental scrutiny of our own bodies helps us to realize , what
kind of a phenomenon the human body is , to realize , that it is a process
without any underlying substance or core that may be taken as permanent and
lasting. This is done by the breathing exercises – in-breathing and out
breathing consciously and with awareness.
the contemplation of feelings- one is expected to analyse ones feelings or
contemplation of Mind , tells us the importance of studying our own mind, of
becoming aware of our diverse thoughts .
contemplation of Mind objects is divided
into five sub-sections, each devoted to a different set of phenomena: the five
hindrances, the five aggregates, the six inner and outer sense bases, the seven
factors of enlightenment, and the Four Noble Truths. Among these, the five
hindrances and the seven enlightenment factors are dhamma in
the narrower sense of mental factors.
The five hindrances and seven
factors of enlightenment require special attention because they are the
principal impediments and aids to liberation. The hindrances -- sensual desire,
ill will, dullness and drowsiness, restlessness and worry, and doubt --
generally become manifest in an early stage of practice, soon after the initial
expectations and gross disturbances subside and the subtle tendencies find the
opportunity to surface. Whenever one of the hindrances crops up, its presence
should be noted; then, when it fades away, a note should be made of its
disappearance. To ensure that the hindrances are kept under control an element
of comprehension is needed: we have to understand how the hindrances arise, how
they can be removed, and how they can be prevented from arising in the future.
similar mode of contemplation is to be applied to the seven factors of enlightenment:
mindfulness, investigation, energy, rapture, tranquillity, concentration, and
equanimity. When any one of these factors arises, its presence should be noted.
Then, after noting its presence, one has to investigate to discover how it
arises and how it can be matured. When they first spring up, the enlightenment
factors are weak, but with consistent cultivation they accumulate strength.
Mindfulness initiates the contemplative process. When it becomes
well-established, it arouses investigation, the probing quality of
intelligence. Investigation in turn calls forth energy, energy gives rise to
rapture, rapture leads to tranquillity, tranquillity to one-pointed
concentration, and concentration to equanimity. Thus the whole evolving course
of practice leading to enlightenment begins with mindfulness, which remains
throughout as the regulating power ensuring that the mind is clear, cognizant,
and balanced.
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